Monday, May 18, 2009

4th Grade Science: Body Systems

The digestive system: Students must recognize organs involved and relate them to their functions (mouth-digestion begins here).

The respiratory system: students must label nose, nostrils, trachea, broncial tubes, and lungs.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Animals I Know

1st Grade Clothes Vocabulary

1st Grade Food Vocabulary & Exercises

A listening activity: "Colour the food that you hear," fries, pizza, ice-cream, banana, apple, orange, sandwich, cake
A worksheet in which students must differentiate between vegetables and fruits, know where certain foods come from, and recognize the utensils we use to eat with.
Picnic Cards: watermelon, cherries, chicken, milkshake, ice'cream, sandwiches
Food Cards: ice-cream, chocolate, cake, fish, apple, banana

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Home

  • A worksheet in which students use colors to identify different parts of a house (bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, bed, chairs, table, books
  • More practice with rooms in a house and easy furniture vocabulary

1st Grade: Seasons

Simple four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter) print-outs. They include the names of the 12 months.